Overall Reflections

Overall Reflection

I am a bookworm. I learn about the world by reading. In fact, I do not enjoy being told about something I wish to learn. I always like the idea of learning something by reading it from the source rather than have someone tell you about it. It takes half the fun away, don’t you think so?

Before taking this class, I experienced the pleasure of reading many non-fiction books written on the subject matter. In fact, I have some favourite authors on the subject as well, Sheryl Sandberg being one of them. Of course, Stephen Covey is right up on that list as well. At the time, the subject seemed so straightforward and quite frankly simpler to understand than tying your shoelaces. That’s why taking this class seemed like the best option as it was not only the perfect class for a person like me, but it seemed like it would somehow be fun! However, little did I know that everything I have learnt was only the tip of the iceberg.

After taking Dr Jamilah’s class, I have learned about the many theories that I did not know about in the past. It has made me realize that I have much to improve about myself and my attributes if I am looking to be a better leader in the future. For instance, when I had to complete the presentation on “Communication, Coaching and Conflict Skills”, I realized that I still have a long way to go with my skills. In addition, this class has also helped me realize that leadership skills does not always mean people need to be always led by direction. Sometimes, people are led by the influence you have on them by doing what you do best, and that is always leading by example. Another big takeaway is that I learned that tapping into emotional intelligence and empathizing with your followers is a crucial factor in leadership, which is almost always overlooked. Leaders who lead their team with emotional intelligence are deemed weak and have their leadership style undermined. When in actuality, leading with consideration while being goal-oriented will bring about empowerment and engagement.

So, if you ask me where I am now since the class is over? Hmm, my Wednesdays at 4pm are now no longer filled with a meaningful academic engagement on leadership topics. I miss this class and think you would too if you planned to take it in the future. For a heavy topic like leadership, Dr Jamilah made this class really enjoyable for me. Taking this class has widened my horizon about the dynamics of leadership (sorry for the cliche, but what is life without it).

Thank you for coming this far. I hope you had a good time reading my lengthy posts!
