About me

Gawking at a perfume vessel from ancient Greece at the MET!

Vidyia R. Muralivaman – MSc in Chemistry Student, from Kuala Lumpur.

Hi everyone. My name is Vidyia Muralivaman. I am turning 28 this year and just recently got married (15th of March 2021). I am currently completing my 1st semester as a postgraduate student at UTM, Johor. There are many new things I am grateful for this year because I was able to continue my education and learn, particularly in this leadership class!

Currently, I am living with a cat and have discovered that I love them just as much as I love dogs. So, am I a cat or dog person? That is the question. But jokes aside. I enjoy reading and am introverted most days. If I must go out, you will find me in libraries, local bookshops or museums. I like cooking and trying to make new things. Let’s see, I am a vegetarian and a fan of anime and Japanese manga!

Let’s get down to business. This blog serves as my e-Portfolio for UPPF 6033 Dynamics of Leadership class, l taught by the marvellous Dr Jamilah bt Ahmad. Here you will find my work as a student for the assignments handed out for this class and my reflections over this semester.

Feel free to look around!